Top 7 home remedies for dry mouth

Top 7 home remedies for dry mouth
Even you drink enough 2 liters of water however you still have dry mouth symptom. Do you know what causes lead to this situation and how to get rid of dry mouth quickly by home remedies. Let check immediately this article.
What is dry mouth?
Dry mouth is called Xersostomia that occurs when your mouth lack of saliva. Moreover, dry mouth will bring the sticky and dry feeling in your throat then you might be thirsty more frequently. On the other hand, your tongue is dry, raw and red typically you may get troubles with tasting, swallowing, bad breath and hoarseness.
What causes dry mouth?
There are a bunch of reasons which lead to dry mouth, however you should consider to important reasons below:
Breathing by mouth
Side effect of medication
Nerve damage
Due to certain disease such as HIV/AIDS, Stroke, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease
Home remedies for dry mouth
1. Fennel Seed
Fennel seed can improve the saliva production in your mouth therefore it might reduce sticky and dry feeling. Moreover, fennel seed contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that probably fight against bad breath and get rid of dry mouth quickly. Make sure you chew fennel seeds everyday to cure dry mouth or roast the mixture of fenugreek seeds and fennel seeds then grind and add salt to consume with meal.
2. Oil pulling
Oil pulling is a good remedy which can eliminate bad breath. Otherwise, you should notice that this oil does not gargle or swallow. Try to use some coconut oil to swish in your mouth for 10 minutes then spit is out and take a rinse with a glass of warm water. Repeat this process before breakfast.
3. Chewing gum
Try to chewing gum whenever you feel dry mouth or irritated because of the low saliva production. This method will keep saliva glands working and ease the symptoms of dry mouth as well. However, only use sugar-free gum to get effective.
4. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper is loaded of many nutrients and vitamins. In addition, it improves the flavors and increase the production of saliva. That’s why cayenne pepper is one of the common remedies for dry mouth. Rub the cayenne pepper around the tongue then the saliva glands will be stimulated because of burning sensation. Other option is to add cayenne pepper into your daily meal to enhance saliva production.
5. Lemon
Lemon is a strong remedy which can cure many medical conditions such as oral thrush, bad breath or vaginal odor. We should thanks to its elements that can stimulate saliva production and ease red and dry. You might use the juice of lemon with some honey then add water to sip during the day. Other option is drink sugar-free lemonade daily to get rid of dry mouth quickly.
6. Aloe Vera 
Aloe Vera is absolutely popular for many people who use this ingredient for skin care or boost the immune system. Otherwise, Aloe Vera can remove bad breath and cure dry mouth as well. You can consume Aloe Vera juice a few times per day or use a cotton ball then apply the Aloe Vera gel into your mouth and tongue. After that, rinse with water for several minutes.
7. Ginger
Ginger is a high nutrients and vitamins source. It may lower risk of infection and prevent inflammation for our body. For dry mouth, ginger will stimulate the saliva glands to keep moisture. Many people recommend that ginger should apply by chewing ginger pieces to get rid of dry mouth quickly. Otherwise, you can drink 1-3 cups of ginger per day to raise your energy up.
Top 7 home remedies for dry mouth

Top 7 home remedies for dry mouth


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